#509 Andrews (1898) Trucks with 33" Ribbed Back Wheels - HO Scale
Metal Fully Sprung Equalized Trucks
#509 Andrews (1898) Trucks with 33" Ribbed Back Wheels - HO Scale
Metal Fully Sprung Equalized Trucks
Mounts with a #2 or 2-56 screw.
Mounting Screws not Included.
Turn of the century through 1930’s - Used through end of the 1950’s.
The Andrews truck is also a turn of the century design that was long lived. It represents one of the first steps in the development of the modern freight truck with its cast frame. The journal boxes are bolted to the main frame. This truck was used through the end of the 1950's although by that time was only used in lighter applications such as refrigerator cars. Andrews trucks are probably still used were logging railroads remain in operation.