The Shay Locomotive: An Illustrated History from White River Productions is a must-have for modelers and fans of geared logging locomotives. This is the most complete, thorough, and accurate book ever produced on this unique and storied locomotive. The authors have spent decades researching, collecting photos, and organizing the information in this volume. The book features more than 600 pages and over 1000 photos, illustrations, and drawings. Included is a complete listing of every Shay built by shop number, by owner/operator, and by location. Also covered is Lima's involvement in the Shay from the first locomotive by Ephraim Shay in 1881 to the last Shay built in 1945 and it includes photographs of every single surviving Shay. Three appendices of patents, Drawings and specifications; information on wrecks and mishaps as well as a look at the mechanical evolution of the Shay are all included. If you're a modeler or fan of logging railroads you need The Shay Locomotive: An Illustrated History in your railroad library.